

Mervin Manufacturing shouldn’t really exist. It is a dream that we have somehow turned into reality for over 25 years with the help of people like you who support handcrafted snowboards built by snowboarders near Canada right here in the USA. Thanks for sharing the dream and allowing us to have place to create and innovate. Enjoy your Banana and Magne-Traction and know we couldn’t have done it without you. Here is a toast to some fresh pow or a new death defying rail dance in your near future!

– Mike, Pete and the entire Mervin Craftsmen Crew.

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All products made by Mervin have a one year warranty against manufacturer’s defects from the date of purchase from a Mervin Authorized Dealer. Further, this warranty only covers defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, excessive abuse or misuse by riding things other than snow, impacts due to your steering problems, cosmetic issues or modifications you made. You must keep your sales receipt when you purchase a Mervin Manufacturing product. This is your proof of purchase and you will need to show this if you need to warranty your product. The warranty is only applicable to the original purchaser and is void if your product was purchased from another person or an unauthorized dealer (including, without limitation, Craig’s List, EBAY, etc.) There is a list of Authorized Dealers on Mervin’s website. If you think you may have defective product, you can take it back to the place of purchase or any Authorized Mervin Dealer. The Authorized Mervin Dealer will take a look at the product and help you determine the best course of action. The Authorized Mervin Dealer will call Mervin’s warranty department and get a RETURN AUTHORIZATION (RA) NUMBER so that the product can be sent to Mervin and inspected. Alternatively, if you purchased the product from an authorized online dealer, you can contact the Mervin warranty department and arrange to send the product back to Mervin yourself. An administration/postage and handling fee may be charged if the product is returned to an Authorized Mervin Dealer that is outside of the country where the product was initially purchased. For product purchased online, the “country of purchase” is the location from which the online dealer shipped the product. Warranty claims made in the country where the product was purchased may still incur an administration/postage and handling fee unless prohibited by local laws.


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Spare Parts

Try taking your bindings back to the shop that you purchased them from first. The shop should have parts to service your bindings or if they don’t they can contact us and we can send out the needed parts to the shop. If this is not possible, contact us via the replacement parts request form below. Include digital pictures of the broken or missing parts. Specify brand/model/size/year of your bindings and designate left/right, toe/ankle, etc... Provide your receipt for the bindings to us by fax or email. If your bindings are still covered under warranty, we will send you the replacement parts free of charge. Include a shipping address and phone number. The address cannot be a PO Box as Federal Express does not ship to PO Boxes.

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